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FAQ About Colored Contact Lenses

1. What are colored contact lenses?

Color contact lenses are a special type of contact lens designed to change or enhance the color of your eyes. They can be used for cosmetic purposes to achieve different eye colors, such as brown, hazel, blue, green, or even more unusual colors like red or white. These lenses work by covering the natural iris with a colored tint, creating a natural-looking effect. They should be prescribed by an eye care professional for proper fit and usage, whether for vision correction or cosmetic enhancement.

2. What are prescription & non-prescription colored contacts?

  1. Prescription Colored Contact Lenses: These lenses not only change the eye color but also correct vision issues such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), or astigmatism. They can only be obtained with a valid prescription from an eye care professional.
  2. Non-prescription (Plano) Colored Contact Lenses: These lenses are designed purely for cosmetic purposes, with 0.00 power and no vision correction. They are available from reputable sources and do not necessitate a prescription.

3. Are color contact lenses suitable for anyone to wear?

Before choosing to wear color contact lenses, it's crucial to consult with an eye care professional. They will assess your eye health, vision requirements, and discuss any potential risks or complications associated with wearing contact lenses. It's important to remember that not everyone is an ideal candidate for wearing contact lenses, colored or otherwise, so professional guidance is essential in making the right decision for your eye health.

4. How can I select the most suitable color contact lenses for myself?

When choosing color contact lenses, there are several factors to take into account:

  1. Eye Color: Depending on your eye color, certain shades may blend more effectively. For instance, if you have dark eyes, colors like brown and honey can enhance warmth and depth, while vivid blues and greens offer a significant color change, making the eyes pop. Grey lenses give a mysterious and contemporary look.
    On the other hand, those with light eyes may find that deep blues and emeralds enhance their natural color vibrantly, whereas purples and greys introduce a unique change, creating a distinctive appearance. Light browns and greys can subtly enhance the eye color, perfect for those seeking a minimal change.

    For Dark Brown Eyes: Click Here.
    For Light Eyes: Click Here.

  2. Skin Tone and Hair Color: Consider how the lens color complements your overall appearance, including skin tone and hair color. Some colors may appear more natural or striking, depending on these factors.
  3. Personal Preference: Choose a color that you find appealing and that complements the style you're aiming for. Trying out various colors can assist you in discovering the one that fits you perfectly.
  4. Occasion: Think about where and when you plan to wear the lenses. Natural-looking colors might be preferable for everyday wear, while bold or vibrant colors might be fun for special occasions or events.

5. Are colored contact lenses safe for use?

Color contact lenses can be safe to wear if they are bought from trusted brands and sellers, and if you follow proper care and hygiene practices. When purchasing color contact lenses, make sure to verify that the brand is FDA-approved in the US and has the necessary certifications to ensure their safety and usability.

6. How should I maintain my colored contact lenses?

Maintaining colored contact lenses properly is important for your eye health and to ensure the lenses stay comfortable to wear. Here are some tips for maintaining your colored contact lenses:

  1. Wash Your Hands: Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling your lenses.
  2. Use Recommended Solutions: Use the contact lens solution recommended by your eye care professional to clean, rinse, and store your lenses.
  3. Clean Before and After Wear: Rub and rinse your colored lenses with the solution before and after each use.
  4. Avoid Water: Never use tap water or saliva to clean your lenses, as they can introduce harmful bacteria.
  5. Store Properly: Keep your lenses in a clean contact lens case filled with fresh solution. Change the solution daily and replace the case every three months.
  6. Follow Replacement Schedule & Avoid Expiration: Stick to the replacement schedule recommended by your eye doctor. Colored lenses also have an expiration date for safety and quality reasons.

Here are a few DON'Ts when it comes to colored contact lens safety:

  • 🚫 DO NOT exceed the recommended duration for wearing lenses. Refrigerating or freezing them will not extend their lifespan.
  • 🚫 DO NOT clean the lenses with tap water, saliva, or household products. Use only the prescribed eye care solution.
  • 🚫 DO NOT let the contacts touch cosmetic products like makeup, deodorants, or hair sprays.
  • 🚫 DO NOT attempt to insert lenses that appear damaged, broken, torn, or compromised in any way.
  • 🚫 DO NOT insert more than one pair of lenses into each eye simultaneously.
  • 🚫 DO NOT share lenses with another person.

If you have any uncertainties or concerns about contact lenses, it's best to address them with an eye care specialist or optician. Make sure to familiarize yourself with all tips before using colored contacts.

For detailed information, please click here to view.

7. How to convert glasses prescription to contact lens prescription?

The "Glasses Power" column indicates the power of your current glasses prescription. If you do not have a contact lens prescription, the Vertex Conversion Chart provided below is a helpful tool that eye doctors, opticians, para-optometric technicians, etc., use as part of the process of determining what power to use for your contact lenses. It can quickly convert your glasses prescription to a contact lens prescription.

Vertex Conversion Chart
Glasses Power
Contact Lens Power
0.00 ~ -4.00 No change
-4.25 -4.00
-4.50 -4.25
-4.75 -4.50
-5.00 -4.75
-5.25 -5.00
-5.50 -5.00
-5.75 -5.25
-6.00 -5.50
-6.25 -5.75
-6.50 -6.00
-6.75 -6.25
-7.00 -6.50
-7.25 -6.50
-7.50 -6.75
-7.75 -7.00
-8.00 -7.25
-8.25 -7.50
-8.50 -7.75
-8.75 -7.75
-9.00 -8.00
-9.25 -8.25
-9.50 -8.50
-9.75 -8.75
-10.00 -8.75
-10.50 -9.00
-11.00 -9.75

8. Is it alright to wear colored contact lenses if I have astigmatism or other eye conditions?

Certainly! People with astigmatism or other eye conditions can wear color contact lenses. There are specially designed lenses called "toric" lenses for astigmatism, which not only correct vision but also offer the option of changing eye color. However, it's important to consult with an eye care professional before using any type of contact lenses, including colored ones. They can advise you on the best options for your eyes and provide guidance on safe usage and proper care.

9. How long can I wear colored contact lenses?

The length of time you can wear color contact lenses depends on the type of lenses you have. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Daily Colored Contact Lenses: Intended for single-day use, these lenses are disposed of after each wear, eliminating the need for cleaning or storage. They offer a convenient option for those seeking hassle-free maintenance.
  2. Monthly/Quarterly or Half-Yearly Colored Contact Lenses: Designed for longer wear durations, these lenses require daily cleaning and proper storage. Adhering to the manufacturer's replacement schedule is crucial, and consulting with an eye care professional is recommended.
  3. Yearly Colored Contact Lenses: This option provides an economical choice for those interested in affordable color contact lenses. These lenses are designed to last up to a year with proper care, but the material varies. It's important to discuss the advantages and potential risks with an eye care professional before opting for lenses with a longer replacement cycle.

10. What payment options are available?

We accept payments through PayPal, credit cards, and Klarna.

11. Could you please explain your policy on returns?

HANIIX offers a 30-day return policy. For more details, please click here to view.

12. How can I track my order?

After your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with shipping confirmation and a tracking number. If you have an account, this information will also be saved in your order history.
You can use the tracking number to monitor your parcel by clicking here.

13. How long does shipping take?

Our delivery network covers the United States (including Alaska, Hawaii, and APO/EPO/DPO addresses), Canada, Australia, the European Union, and numerous other countries worldwide. For detailed information, please click here to view.