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Convert Glasses Rx to Contact Lens Rx

The "Glasses Power" column indicates the power of your current glasses prescription. If you do not have a contact lens prescription, the Vertex Conversion Chart provided below is a helpful tool that eye doctors, opticians, para-optometric technicians, etc., use as part of the process of determining what power to use for your contact lenses. It can quickly convert your glasses prescription to a contact lens prescription.

Vertex Conversion Chart
Glasses Power
Contact Lens Power
0.00 ~ -4.00 No change
-4.25 -4.00
-4.50 -4.25
-4.75 -4.50
-5.00 -4.75
-5.25 -5.00
-5.50 -5.00
-5.75 -5.25
-6.00 -5.50
-6.25 -5.75
-6.50 -6.00
-6.75 -6.25
-7.00 -6.50
-7.25 -6.50
-7.50 -6.75
-7.75 -7.00
-8.00 -7.25
-8.25 -7.50
-8.50 -7.75
-8.75 -7.75
-9.00 -8.00
-9.25 -8.25
-9.50 -8.50
-9.75 -8.75
-10.00 -8.75
-10.50 -9.00
-11.00 -9.75